What YOU Can Do!!
Participate in the Water Quality Sampling and Monitoring Program
NRPA collects sampling data that supplements the Virginia Department of Health, Division of Shellfish Safety’s and City of Suffolk Public Works’ data. NRPA also monitors for shoreline disturbances and reports potential violations to the city and state.
Volunteers conduct monthly water sampling at 8 sites along the Nansemond River. Volunteers receive training on scientific instruments and record data along 23 miles of the Nansemond River. This is a wonderful opportunity to explore Suffolk’s waterways. see ospreys, eagles and once in a while a pod of dolphins. Enjoy fun conversation with other volunteers while on the boat. When: March – November. Dates/time- depends on the tide schedule and boat availability. Time: 2 ½ -3 hours. Boat launches from Chuckatuck Creek
Restore the Oyster Population along the Nansemond River
Oysters filter the water which remove bacteria from the river and creeks. NRPA has three oyster gardens and reefs. Volunteers help to relocate the oysters as they grow from spat baby oysters to adult oysters. Adult oysters are then planted on the oyster reefs. This is a fun activity with friends and family members. When: Saturday. 9:00 – noon. April, August, September. Locations: Private homes: Nansemond River, Chuckatuck Creek, Hoffler Creek.
Educate Citizens about ways to Reduce Stormwater Contamination into the River and Creeks
Citizens visit the site and learn about native trees, shrubs and butterfly patches. The project includes hundreds of native trees, shrubs, and flowers that absorb stormwater which reduces flow into the river. The native vegetation is also a habitat for butterflies, insects and birds. Volunteers meet once a month to help plant native shrubs, trees and plants and maintain the site and walking trail. Enjoy a wonderful view of the Nansemond River and great conversation. When: March – November. Saturday. 9:00 – 11:00 AM. Locations: Sleepy Hole Park, Bennett’s Creek Park.
Clean the Banks of the Nansemond River and Creeks
Unfortunately, there are people who throw trash, tires and other debris into the river which are very harmful to marine life and waterfowl. Volunteers remove the debris along the banks of the River and Creeks. When: Saturday. 9:00 – noon. November and March. Location: Various locations, city parks and behind businesses located along the Nansemond River.
Educate the Next Generation to be Environmental Stewards
NRPA SIGNATURE K-12 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM: NANSEMOND WATERSHED INITIATIVE: CONNECTING THE CLASSROOM WITH THE ENVIRONMENT. (NWI). Students learn from NRPA volunteers about Suffolk’s waterways, how to use scientific water quality instruments, interact with fish and crabs. 3rd grade and 7th grade program - Volunteers help with the NRPA in classroom hands-on activities or outdoor classroom 8 station Marshfield Study. When: September – May. Location: Suffolk Public Schools – Elementary and Middle Schools. Nansemond Suffolk Academy Elementary School. Marshfield Study: Bennett’s Creek Park and Johnson & Sons Seafood dock.
Be a Voice for the River and Creeks
The river and creeks are seeking help from citizens to be their VOICE. Along with other NRPA volunteers attend meetings and share support for an environmental vision and culture within all city departments. Visit city and state elected leaders and request their support for improving environmental regulations. When: Dates and times vary throughout the year. Location: Various locations.
Be an Advocate for more Public Access Sites for Kayaking and Canoeing
NRPA has a long history of collaborating with Suffolk’s Parks & Recreation and National Park Service to increase public access sites along the river and creeks. Currently, the city has hired a consultant to developer a plan for the former Radio Transmitter Site along the Nansemond River. Your VOICE is needed to ensure that a public access site remains in the final plan. When: Dates and times vary throughout the year. Location: Various locations
Learn Best Practices that YOU and YOUR Family can do everyday at Home to Protect the River
Become a Water Wise Home: CLICK HERE to join your neighbors in protecting our rivers and creeks to become a Water Wise Home
Enjoy the Waterways!
YOU Can Make A Difference.
Get Started With Volunteering
Fill out the form below or send an email to bcross.nrpa@gmail.com
We’d love to hear from you. Send us your info, and we’ll be in touch!
Join NRPA by making a donation!
NRPA is a 501 c3 tax-exempt organization
Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
NRPA Contact: Beth Cross, President/CEO 757-582-7706 .or BCROSS.NRPA@GMAIL.COM